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Wheat flour CFR Libya in June 2024

The flour milling production enterprise reports changes in selling prices for wheat flour from June 1, 2024 for delivery to Libyan ports.

     Indicators of wheat flour:
- bakery
- whiteness 60-62 units
- falling number 430 sec
- Does not contain GMOs.

Manufacturing facility with production output (wheat flour) up to 3300 tons per month.

Deliveries are made to the ports of Tripoli, Misrata, Libya.

Prices for wheat flour in the port of Misurata Libya / port of Qasr Ahmed / on request from the Libyan company.

Prices for wheat flour to the port of Tripoli Libya on request from the Libyan company.

Own enterprise.

Minimum order quantity: from 100 tons.

We participate in government programs in Libya.


