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Prices of milling wheat in Syria in July - August 2024

      The RUSSIA GRAIN PLANT notifies of changes in selling prices for milling wheat #4 crop 2024 in bulk from July 01, 2024 with delivery to ports of Syria Tartous - Latakia.
Indicators of milling wheat #4:

HARVEST 2024 !!!

- moisture 13% max
- impurity 2% max
- test weight 720-750 g/l
- protein 11,50% min
- gluten 22-24% min
- grain admixture 3% max

Crop: 2024

On terms: on CFR Latakia / CFR Tartous Syria.

Packaging: in bulk.

Prices of milling wheat #4 in bulk on terms CFR port of Tartous Syria = USD XXX / metric tons
Prices of milling wheat #4 on terms
CFR port of Latakia Syria = RUB XXX / metric tons

Quantity for sale (crop 2024): 232,000 tons.
Quantity for sale (crop 2023): 43,600 tons.

Payments terms: by agreement with the Customer.

